Wishes, Mirrors, Rest — such are the titles that Felix Rozen gave to the admirable photos he brought back highlighting a Japan singularly present in the heat, the chromatic energy and the generosity of a pictorial inspiration. Recall, too, the large abstract gouaches that pull us into a contemporary and legendary Japan to understand what unites the objective of the photographer and that of the painter: a passionate warmth towards beings, things and the being of things.
Marcelin Pleynet on the occasion of the exhibition “Windows on Japan” at Central Color, in 1985.
Wishes, Mirrors, Rest — such are the titles that Felix Rozen gave to the admirable photos he brought back highlighting a Japan singularly present in…
Wishes, Mirrors, Rest — such are the titles that Felix Rozen gave to the admirable photos he brought back highlighting a Japan singularly present in the heat, the chromatic energy and the generosity of a pictorial inspiration. Recall, too, the large abstract gouaches that pull us into a contemporary and legendary Japan to understand what unites the objective of the photographer and that of the painter: a passionate warmth towards beings, things and the being of things.
Marcelin Pleynet on the occasion of the exhibition “Windows on Japan” at Central Color, in 1985.

Untitled, Tokyo, 1985, 12 × 16 in.

Seijin no hi (kimono or coming of age celebration), Tokyo, 15.1.1985, Cibachrome 12 × 16 in.

Fire, Tokyo, 1985, 16 × 12 in.

Rest, Tokyo, 1985, 12 × 16 in.

Sento (public baths), Soshigaya, Tokyo, 1985, 16 × 12 in.